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Your Last-minute Tips for Black Friday! Share via

You may be very ready for Black Friday. You may have all the campaigns ready, and all the data set, yet your feet aren’t yet very steady during the week preceding the last Friday in November.

Our team has been doing Black Friday ever since its arrival to the middle east. ArabyAds’ experts are constantly keeping track of the top companies’ campaigns in various industries; starting with e-commerce, health and beauty, and passing by brands with slow-moving commodities; such as real estate and automotive.

Last-minute tips to succeed during Black Friday

Analyze the data you already have

Black Friday campaigns run for a longer time than just the last Friday in November. As a matter of fact, there are plenty of insights that your team can take advantage of in order to optimize the original strategy intended to be followed by your team.

Conduct a comprehensive analysis of users’ behaviours since the beginning of November. Capture the interesting unusual patterns, check the demographics, know which copies are getting you more traffic and conversions, and identify the challenges hindering your team from achieving their goals.

Make sure you have extras of everything

Do you have sufficient stock that can sustain the traffic? You might think this is a trivial matter, but you really don’t want to lose a customer just because of a shortage of packages. You also need to make sure that the products displayed on your platform are available in your inventory and ready to deliver.

Keep on testing

Keep on testing the user experience on your phone, your laptop, other phones, and other laptops. Make sure your platform loads quickly and doesn’t cause your bounce rate to spike. Unfortunately, there are plenty of factors that might lead the user to exit your platform, 53% of mobile users will exit your platform if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

Make sure your website/platform can handle the traffic

You must have analyzed the weekends and peaks so far. So you understand what time is your audience’s favourite. Keep your technology team attentive in case traffic increases vastly. Make sure they’re on top of things and can provide you with an alternative.


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